An event took place on the uSky Test & Certification Center, which is simply impossible to pass by. Yet another stage of the string-rail transport overpass installation for Test Track 4 has been completed. And, perhaps, this might have been nothing remarkable, if not for the one thing: we have completed the stage of lifting the entire string-rail track structure!
This uplifting was carried out in several stages under continuous control of engineers and supervisors. The whole prestressed structure, over 2,200 meters long and weighing over 300 tons, was lifted up to 15-meter height in just a few days. And no matter how colossal it may sound, only 3 employees were engaged in this lifting process.

I would also like to make a separate note that in the lifting process, all of the technological tooling and auxiliary equipment were developed by the designers of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. This, once again, shows the competence and responsibility of everyone who is a part of this project.

The precision of the lifting operation deserves special attention. When we talk about lifting, it is not only about working with lifting equipment and loads over 100 tons. This is also a pedantic approach to the installation of each and every unit, and accurate calculation of positioning of structural elements with taking the terrain and relative positions into account. And this had to be ensured simultaneously for eight intermediate supports. But the main thing is that we can start talking about this event in the past tense, since it has become a reality.

Complete track structure lifting operation is not just an installation stage, this becomes an integral part of process already mastered by uSky and we can use this in future construction of transport overpasses. And this is an already implemented approach in creating real projects now. And, most importantly, these are new opportunities and prospects in the creation of uSky transport and infrastructure complexes capable of solving transport problems in any country on any of our planet’s continents.