uSky Test & Certification Centre has received a visit from Mr. Emad Muhanna, Managing Director – India, Middle East & Africa at Modaxo. The visit come about thanks to personal invitation of Mr. Yacoub Al Tahtamouni, Head of Marketing and Public Relations at Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI Park).
Modaxo — a global collective of technology companies passionate about changing the face of public transportation. Working both together and independently, our businesses are focused on one thing — delivering software and technology solutions that help connect people with the places they need to go for work, family, and everyday life.
As a specialist in the field of software development, Mr. Muhanna highly praised uSky's original software, which allows one operator to simultaneously control several vehicles on the line.
For effective and safe uSky transport complex operation, it is equipped with our Intelligent Control System (ICS). Depending on the transport complex structure, its parameters, specifications and purpose, the ICS composition may change along with the tasks it performs.
Vehicle connection with other units of the transport complex can be realized via a high-speed wireless channel provided by a system of base stations installed on units of transport complex.
Besides, the control system must have sufficient, accurate and up-to-date data on the status of all components of the complex, i.e., have the properties and functionality (cybernetic models) of real-life objects.
As the meeting was ending, Mr. Emad Muhanna thanked the team of uSky Transport for the productive engagement and spoke about interest in further cooperation and sharing of experience in development and implementation of specialized software in public transport, and also wished the company successful advance on all continents of our planet.