uSky Transport team continues to introduce to you our best specialists actively participating in construction of Test Track 4. And today we would like to tell you about the engineer responsible for the process equipment.

Good afternoon, Dzmitry. Please, tell us what position you hold and what is the essence of your work?
Good afternoon, everyone, my name is Dzmitry Fedarenka, and I am the head of the Process Equipment bureau. My responsibilities include supervising and managing employees. There are 7 design engineers in my charge, in other words, I interact between the higher management and my subordinates.
And what does this Process Equipment bureau do?
Our bureau is engaged in development of process equipment and various devices for the installation of track structures.
What function does process equipment perform at the test Track 4?
These are non-standard structures that cannot be bought off the shelf, but without them installation of the track structure is impossible.

You mean, you invent and develop things right here?
Yes. For example, we have a technology department that develops installation methods, that is, installation sequences, and they see that at some stage a special device is needed. After that, their engineers send us an application letter for developing this equipment, for example, to drill an aluminium case, or to apply glue. We are also approached by specialists of the rolling stock office in order to create equipment for site transportation and installation of vehicles. For example, for transportation of uBus Carat to uSky Test & Certification Centre, we have developed frames and beams ourselves from scratch.

Tell us, please, about stages of process equipment creation.
First, a general installation technique is devised. Then, engineers give more explanations for what it is needed for, and we begin 3D modeling. We check whether everything works out correctly, we make strength calculations of equipment. There are cases, when due to creation of new process equipment, it is even required to change the installation technique or to add installation elements to the track structure design. After the 3D model is approved, drawings for it are developed and the equipment is sent to production.
Why is this process equipment usually required?
Some equipment is needed to facilitate work of frontline workers, and some in order to make certain works generally possible as a thing. For example, we did special equipment for lifting the track structure, without it the track structure installation would not have been impossible.

What is your task within the framework of uSky Transport operations?
My task is to set up and start the tension machine. The tension machine is hydraulic equipment for installing raceways and related process vehicles with tension. She has stretched 6 kilometers of strands as of now. The entire design is completely our development. Also, my job was to adjust the equipment for applying glue to strips.
What was the most difficult thing on Test Track 4?
Probably the hardest thing was to make emergency decisions, fast.

What net total result of your work can you take away from the Test Track 4 works?
I gained lots of experience not in terms of management, actually, but in R&D. Because when you start working with the equipment personally, the view of this process changes radically, and you realize that some details could be made even better and more convenient for use. This was my first experience in construction.
What advice would you give to professionals working in this field?
I guess, they should visit their construction sites more, work with their own creations, and should also objectively perceive criticism, whatever it may be.