Dr. Anatoli Unitsky, Founder and General Designer of uSky Transport gave a big interview to a major popular science publication, where he spoke in detail about his projects, future of transport and importance of innovation in development of global infrastructure.

In this interview, Dr. Anatoli Unitsky speaks about operating principles of uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology and emphasizes that string transport can become a key element of infrastructure of the future.
“Today, main goal of my work is creation and implementation of eco-friendly technologies and solutions that improve efficiency of using natural resources with minimal human impact on environment, that is, on the Earth’s biosphere, because the Earth’s industry does not interfere with evolution of dead part of the planet. This comprehensive approach is embodied in our flagship: uSky Transport’s transport and infrastructure complexes. At this point, they are an advanced solution, match all modern trends in development of logistics for global market and will soon take a leading position in global transport industry,” says Dr. Anatoli Unitsky.
One of interview’s key topics were competitive advantages of uSky Transport, where Dr. Anatoli Unitsky noted the following:
low capital costs for construction of overpass-type string-rail roads as there are no earthen berms, excavations, bridges, interchanges and culverts;
low resource intensity of prestressed string-rail overpasses. Construction of those uses conventional and inexpensive materials;
low operating costs based on reducing energy and fuel consumption for propagation, including high-speed travel, as well as low personnel costs and their pay, specifically;
no intersections and near zero possibility of road accidents with existing ground transport, pedestrians, domestic and wild animals;
low human factor risks thanks to automated control system; availability of redundant anti-derailment system on each wheel of rolling stock;
high strength against natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, hurricane winds, low and high temperatures, terrorist attacks and vandalism;
ability to build track across difficult terrain, along sea shelf, through mountains, permafrost and soft soils;
unlimited route length;
applicability in any natural and climatic conditions available on this planet, from the Arctic to tropics;
interoperability of different types of tracks and models of unmanned rail electric vehicles on steel wheels we named uPod;
capability of constructing transport overpasses over existing utilities and urban development, as well as crossing wide obstacles in one span: rivers, lakes, gorges;
Ecological performance
use of electric traction;
reducing harmful emissions: out into air, soil and water;
low level of transport noise;
insignificant specific energy consumption (specific per one passenger and per one tonne of cargo);
no earthen embankments and minimal use of land for track supports.
Transport and infrastructure complexes by uSky Transport are superior to their second-level competition, such as cable cars, monorails, light rail, elevated trains, maglev trains, in a number of indicators: capital and operating costs, energy efficiency, safety, reliability, comfort, productivity and so on”, explains Founder and General Designer of uSky Transport.

Also, in this interview, Dr. Anatoli Unitsky elaborated on the entirety of Sky Test & Certification Centre, location of the longest track: Test Track 4 at 2.4 km long. For construction of this facility, a unique technical operation was carried out: for the first time in the world, track structure with total weight of 350 t and length of more than 2 km, pretensioned to force of more than 1000 t, was raised to 15 m height. And then 25-seater uBus Carat rode along that same line for the first time in 2023.
“When designing the Carat, I set myself an ambitious goal: to create a unique product to ensure the most comfortable travel of passengers in tropical conditions. And this was achieved in full. 5th generation uPods use improved uSky Transport technology solutions. uBus Carat seats 25 passengers and is designed for urban transportation in tropical climates. Its cabin is adapted for passengers with disabilities; multimedia system with Wi-Fi are provided.
High-capacity HVAC system maintains comfortable temperature for passengers, even if it is above 50⁰ Celsius outside. The unit is equipped with condensate collection tanks, and that water can be used, e.g., for watering plants at passenger stations. The glass layout provides a 360⁰ view, presenting passengers with scenic top-down views.
The vehicle is equipped with two-stage air suspension. It provides smooth riding experience characteristic of luxury automobiles, reduces noise pollution and adjusts the level of cabin floor for most comfortable boarding and disembarking of passengers. Excellent thermal and noise insulation is provided by special double-glazed windows and multi-layer sound-absorbing coating applied to the inside of vehicle cowling. In addition, the Unibus is energy-autonomous, and energy consumption for propelling compared to buses of same passenger capacity will be almost four times lower,” tells Dr. Anatoli Unitsky.

“In total, we have already developed and certified 15 uPod models in passenger and cargo versions. Depending on customer requests and natural and climatic conditions, rolling stock can have different configurations. Passenger models of uPods assembled into small trains are capable of transporting up to 50 thousand people per hour. Freight transport is capable of transporting up to 100 million tonnes of cargo per year.
uPods, including train arrangements, can have different capacity: from 2 to 250 passengers. Their design allows for making a train from separate modules through a rigid or electronic coupling. Number of train sections and their capacity depends on expected passenger traffic. Unpiloted uPods are propelled by electric traction drive. Speed and route control is provided by an automated control system. Maximum speed for urban transport is 150 kph, and 500 kph for intercity travel.
Cargo uPods can work with different types of cargo: loose goods (bulk), liquid, piece, particular-type loads, as well as sea containers with rated length of 20 and 40 ft. Loading them and unloading works automatically. Maximum transportation speed is 150 kph. Speed and route control is again provided by automated control system,” clarified Dr. Anatoli Unitsky.
As they were finishing up the interview, Dr. Anatoli Unitsky, Founder and General Designer of uSky Transport, expressed confidence for string transport to become a major part of global transport system of the future. He noted that modern world faces challenges related to population growth, urbanization and climate change, and that uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology can become an important element in sustainable development of cities and regions.