Test Track 2 construction project is in full swing at uSky Test & Certification Centre.
Main Contractor ASAK continues the construction of cargo and passenger stations Container Depot and Container Terminal, which will serve as anchor supports for uSky complex track structure.

The main phase of the construction works at Container Terminal is near completion. As per the process map, the final stage including finishing activities at anchor supports is supposed to be finalized upon completing the erection of the string rail overpass.
This sequence is because since both stations will be subject to major horizontal loads resulting from tensioning the steel strands (strings) being a part of string rails, so it is reasonable to carry out finishing once the stations assume design horizontal forces (about 1,500 tons).

Span structures of the string rail transport overpass between the stations rest on 46 intermediate supports from 11.2 to 13.6 m in height and with the spacing of 45 and 48 meters. Structurally, the stressed section of the track between the anchor supports is a linear structure with a length of 2,181 m.
The project provides for the construction of two two-story buildings, combined with cargo and passenger stations. The technical solutions adopted in the project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary-hygienic, fire-fighting, and other applicable codes and regulations, and ensure the operation of the facility safely for the life and health of people.
All the materials used in construction are certified in the UAE.

Concrete works continue at Container Depot. ASAK is preparing the roof slab for Iron Makers Steel Industries (IMS), which is to embed a bulky steel beam to act as the load-bearing part of the station's anchoring system.
Container Depot will serve as a cargo station for parking, maintenance, and repair of uCont container carriers. None of the stations within Test Track 2 incorporate either a control room, server room, or data storage systems, etc., since such capacities to control Track 2 and Track 4 have already been foreseen in the Service Station at Test Track 1.

uSky Transport is moving forward with confidence towards implementing commercial projects. Adhering to the highest standards, construction work at uSky Centre is going on day and night for the soonest demonstration of the novel innovative uSky Solutions to potential customers and partners.
There is more to come!