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Sharjah Directorate of Town Planning & Survey meets uSky Transport


Last week was notable for the meeting of uSky Transport management with the engineers of the Directorate of Town Planning & Survey (DTPS), Government of Sharjah, supported by Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park and held at their headquarters. The meeting was initiated by Sharjah DTPS, which is currently working on solutions to activate mass transportation (tram) in the Emirate of Sharjah. The head of the Department directed its engineers to coordinate with SRTI Park for the existence of any similar study in the same field for the University City area.

uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology presentation
uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology presentation

No wonder that uSky Transport came in sight of Sharjah DTPS offering uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology surpassing tram as well as other conventional transportation modes by dint of numerous advantages, e.g.:

  • enhanced safety of high-speed transportation due to rolling stocks travelling high above the ground resultingly excluding the risk of colliding with other objects moving on the ground;

  • minimal land uptaken by string rail overpasses, which can be easily adapted to perform any logistic tasks at speeds up to 500–600 km/h;

  • high speed of up to 150 km/h;

  • several times lower construction cost and further operation costs;

  • extreme environmental friendliness;

  • high adaptability;

  • comfort;

  • energy efficiency;

  • lower material consumption;

  • integrability into any existing urban infrastructure without disturbing the surrounding architecture.

At the meeting, uSky Transport representatives delivered the presentation of the technology and sheded light on major features and characteristics of their suspended transit system.

Sharjah DTPS engineers at the meeting with SRTI Park and uSky Transport
Sharjah DTPS engineers at the meeting with SRTI Park and uSky Transport

It is worthy of note that, the area of University City is just a beginning, where Sharjah DTPS plans to start its transport development project, since at further stages it is supposed to cover Muweileh Community, Maleha area, etc. One of the challenging tasks Sharjah DTPS pursues is reviving some Sharjah areas, which are currently looking decayed due to close proximity of roads with high-density traffic and relevant noise.

Mr. Motaz Ben Saoud, Director of Business Development at SRTI Park expressed his wishes to uSky Transport representatives: "We will be proud to have this technology spread in Sharjah and hopefully in other Emirates soon."

Mr. Motaz Ben Saoud, SRTI Park Director of Business Development at the meeting
Mr. Motaz Ben Saoud, SRTI Park Director of Business Development at the meeting


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