uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology keeps on attracting a great deal of interest from people from all over the world. Recently, it has welcomed Mr. Jurabek Kirgizbekov, an official representative of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Pakistan, Chairman/CEO of TJK Associates, Pakistan.

Mr. Kirgizbekov visited the control room with SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) being its foundation and encompassing all aspects of monitoring, controlling, and operating the innovative intelligent transport system and was able to personally verify its safety and reliability upon having a test ride in a certified tropical uCar.

The trip in uCar was followed by Mr. Kirgizbekov’s visit to a demonstration pavilion showcasing the model of cutting-edge high-speed uFlash with an unusual sight, which can reach speed up to 500 kilometers per hour.

It is worthy of note, that Mr. Kirgizbekov has mentioned his first meeting with uSky Transport founder Dr. Anatoli Unitsky. It had taken place in Pakistan in October 2004. At that time, Dr. Anatoli Unitsky was presenting his string transport enterprise and received a diploma from the Pakistani Chamber of Commerce and Industry. And now years later, Mr. Kirgizbekov was able to personally assess the results accomplished by Dr. Anatoli Unitsky and his team at uSky Test & Certification Centre.

The distinguished guest from Pakistan was impressed by what he had seen at uSky Test & Certification Centre. He thanked the representatives of uSky Transport for the warm welcome through his encouraging review in the guestbook.

Yet another esteemed guest who showed interest in uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology was the owner of the Mawaride Group, UAE, Mr. Mohamed A. Al Eid.

uSky Transport representatives held an excursion for Mr. Mohamed A. Al Eid, during which the distinguished guest got acquainted with SCADA, the heart, brain & soul the control room, learned the unique features of uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology as well as some features and peculiarities of the production and operation of new-type energy-efficient uSky passenger and freight vehicles.

Like many other guests, Mr. Mohamed A. Al Eid also visited the demonstration pavilion with the innovative uFlash, which is designed for commuting on string rail overpasses based on the innovative uSky rail.

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Mohamed A. Al Eid thanked uSky Transport for the opportunity to get acquainted with the innovative uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology and wished the successful development of uSky Transport business relations in the UAE.