uSky Test & Certification Centre was toured by Dr. Charles Kwarteng Asafo-Adjei and Mrs. Evelyn Yaa Gyamfuah D. Asafo-Adjei being Director and Managing Director correspondingly at Eve-Asa Company Limited, a Ghanian company operating in the field of distribution and infrastructure services.

At the passenger station of uSky Test & Certification Centre, the guests from Ghana were presented with a certified tropical uCar designed for regions with arid climate conditions and an upper operating temperature limit of up to +55°C.
The guests did not miss the opportunity to try the novel mode of transportation firsthand and were pleasantly impressed by the highest level of comfort it offers.

During the test trip, representatives of uSky Transport told the delegates about the safety system incorporating towing and evacuation systems, an integrated artificial intelligence system, and the electric vehicles position control system.
The visitors noted that uCar does not pollute the environment since it does not emit any harmful gases into the atmosphere, thus it is a more environmentally friendly vehicle.
In the control room, the guests got familiar with the software enabling one person to supervise many vehicles simultaneously on uSky track.
The operator cum mechanical engineer demonstrated to the guests the capabilities of the control system, which is easy to use and works smoothly.

The guests learned about the efficiency, environmental friendliness, and safety of high-speed steel-wheeled electric vehicle uFlash. The visitors highly praised the comfortable VIP cabin of the flagship and remained impressed.
The guests were also shown an operating model of the linear uCity with five active uSky tracks. uCity is an eco-friendly city with integrated uSky transport and infrastructure complexes using patented uSky rail and uSky overpass technologies.

The meeting ended on a positive note – the guests expressed their gratitude for the interesting uSky tour. The parties parted with a bilateral hope for the eventual promising development of uSky Transport on the African continent.